- Jimmy Wales and community knowledge
- Alex Peek: Belief analysis and economy structure
- Katherine Maher and Wikipedia
- Brewster Kahle and content collection
- Ward Cunningham and wikis
- Lawrence Lessig and innovation
- Ken Wilber and integral theory
- J. B. S. Haldane and the unknown
- Aaron Swartz and open access
- H. G. Wells and education
- Tristian Harris: social media algorithms
- Rufus Pollock: Emerging Movement with Alternative Approach to Social Change
- Terence McKenna: Language Can Do Anything
- Terence McKenna: Timewave - internet quotes
- Colin Wilson and the unknown
- Matt DeCarlo: RU Tartan interview - educational resources
- Wayne Mackintosh: Flexible Learning NZ interview - educational resources
- Lila Tretikov: The Open Mind interview
- Gregg Gillis (Girl Talk): interview at Bonnaroo
- Henry Jenkins: participatory culture
- Stephen Downes: personal education
- Terence McKenna: Magic - language quotes
- John Vervaeke: exemplars of rationality and collaboration
- Elisabeth Morel: OER accessibility
- Ethan Zuckerman: institutional trust
- danah boyd: reknitting society
- Catherine Stihler: Creative Commons license
- Rebecca Giblin: how to fix copyright
- Albert Einstein: quantum mechanics quotes