This post is a basic timeline of writer Virginia Woolf. (1882-1941). There are 13 events listed below chronologically. Source:
- 1882: Born in London, England
- 1897: Enrolls at King's College London
- 1910: Moves to Firle, England
- 1915: Publishes The Voyage Out
- 1918: Moves to Lewes, England
- 1925: Publishes Mrs Dalloway
- 1927: Publishes To the Lighthouse
- 1928: Publishes Orlando
- 1929: Publishes A Room of One's Own
- 1931: Publishes The Waves
- 1937: Publishes The Years
- 1941: Publishes Between the Acts
- 1941: Died age age 59 in Lewes, England