This is a collection of quotes about CompuServe (founded in 1969). There are 4 quotes listed below. License: CC BY-SA 4.0
2. "Later, the central multiplexers in Columbus were replaced with PDP-8 minicomputers, and the PDP-8's were connected to a DEC PDP-15 minicomputer..." (Wikipedia: CompuServe, 5.30.23 UTC 17:36)
3. " ...CompuServe developed its own packet switching network, implemented by DEC PDP-11 minicomputers acting as network nodes..." (Wikipedia: CompuServe, 5.30.23 UTC 17:36)
4. "At its maximum during the early 1990s, [CompuServe] was known for its online chat system, message forums for a variety of topics, extensive software libraries for most personal computers, and a series of popular online games... It was known also for its introduction of the GIF format for pictures..." (Wikipedia: CompuServe, 5.30.23 UTC 17:36)