Sunday, July 5, 2020

List of music playlists (YouTube links)

This post is a list of my music playlists with links to YouTube. There are 3,625 songs organized into 27 playlists below. I have also provided the amount of songs for each time period.

    Middle school and high school (1,100)
  1. 8th grade - 88
  2. Freshman year - 163
  3. Sophomore year - 168
  4. Summer 2007 - 67
  5. Junior year - 268
  6. Summer 2008 - 55
  7. Senior year - 221
  8. Summer 2009 - 70
    College (651)
  1. College 1st year - 167
  2. Summer 2010 - 73
  3. College 2nd year - 141
  4. Summer 2011 - 23
  5. College 3rd year - 101
  6. Summer 2012 - 34
  7. College 4th year - 97
  8. Summer 2013 and 5th year - 15
    After college (1,874)
  1. Summer 2014 - 117
  2. 2014-2015 - 111
  3. 2016-2017 - 267
  4. 2018 - 166
  5. 2019 - 232
  6. 2020 - 182
  7. 2021 - 199
  8. 2022 - 198
  9. 2023 - 169
  10. 2024 - 233
  11. 2025 - (not done)