Sunday, July 28, 2024

Collection of facts about the Crusades in the Holy Land

This post is a collection of facts about the Crusades in the Holy Land (1095-1291). There are 16 facts listed below chronologically.

  • Pope Urban II calls Council of Clermont: 1095
  • Mission to conquer Jerusalem from Muslim rule
  • Casualties: 1 - 3 million
  • First Crusade: 1096-1099
  • Siege of Jerusalem: 1099
  • Second Crusade: 1147-1150
  • Third Crusade: 1189-1192
  • Fourth Crusade: 1202-1204
  • Fifth Crusade: 1217-1221
  • Sixth Crusade: 1227-1229
  • Baron's Crusade: 1239-1241
  • Seventh Crusade: 1248-1254
  • Eighth Crusade: 1270
  • Lord Edward's Crusade: 1271-1272
  • Fall of Outremer: 1272-1302
  • Siege of Acre: 1291
