- 1921: Born in New York, New York
- 1940: Earns BA degree in mathematics from City College in New York
- 1941: Earns Masters degree in mathematics from Columbia University
- 1942-1946: Serves in US Army Air Forces as weather officer
- 1946: Enrolls at University of Chicago as a research associate and student
- 1951: Becomes professor at Stanford University
- 1951: Publishes Arrow's impossibility theorem
- 1954: Publishes Arrow-Debreu model with Gérard Debreu
- 1951: Publishes first and second fundamental theorems of welfare economics
- 1957: Receives John Bates Clark Medal
- 1963: Publishes Uncertainty and the Welfare Economics of Medical Care
- 1968: Becomes professor at Harvard University
- 1972: Receives Nobel Prize in Economics
- 1979: Returns to Stanford University as a professor
- 1991: Retires from Stanford University
- 1995: Teaches at the University of Siena
- 2009: Becomes a founding editor of Annual Review of Economics
- 2017: Died at age 95 in Palo Alto, California
Wikipedia: Kenneth Arrow, Arrow-Debreu model