Thursday, December 31, 2020

Fundamentals of electromagnetism

This post is a list of fundamental principles of electromagnetism. There are 16 principles listed below.
  1. Charged particles have an electric field in all directions (positive or negative)
  2. Particles of the opposite charge attract eachother
  3. Particles of the same charge repel eachother
  4. Electrons have a negative charge
  5. Charged particles have a magnetic field (north and south orientation)
  6. Opposite magnetic poles attract eachother
  7. Magnets have coordinated particles pointing in the same magnetic field
  8. Electrons moving in a wire is an electric current in the opposite direction
  9. Electric current is caused by a charge imbalance in a circuit or change in an magnetic field
  10. An electric current creates a magnetic field curling around it (near field)
  11. An accelerating electric field creates a perpendicular magnetic field (far field)
  12. An accelerating magnetic field creates a perpendicular electric field (far field)
  13. Electric and magnetic fields propagate together through space (far field)
  14. Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light
  15. Electromagnetic waves vary in frequency
  16. Visible light is an electromagnetic wave in a specific frequency range

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