Friday, August 23, 2019

Economy of the United States 2013

This post is a representation of the U.S. economy in 2013. The statistics are around the year 2013 and from multiple sources listed at the bottom of this page. The data in this post is from An explanation of this post and Econ Factbook be found at this link.

United States

Population: 319 million in 2014
GDP: $16.8 trillion in 2013
GDP per capita: $53,042 nominal in 2013
GDP growth rate: 2.4% in 2014


GDP by industry 2013

Real estate, rental and leasing: 13%
Manufacturing: 13%
State and local government: 8.9%
Educational services, healthcare and social assistance: 8.3%
Professional, scientific and technical services: 7.0%
Finance and insurance: 6.6%
Wholesale trade: 5.9%
Retail trade: 5.9%
Information: 4.8%
Federal government: 4.2%
Arts, entertainment, recreation, food services: 3.7%
Construction: 3.6%
Administrative and waste management services: 3.0%
Transportation and warehousing: 2.9%
Mining: 2.7%
Other services: 2.1%
Management of companies and enterprises: 2.0%
Utilities: 1.7%
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting: 1.6%


Unemployment rate: 5.5% in Feb 2015

Non-farm Employment by sector Nov 2014

Government: 21,933,000
Healthcare and social assistance: 18,239,000
Retail trade: 15,500,000
Accommodation and food services: 12,667,000
Manufacturing: 12,217,000
Administrative and support services: 8,516,000
Professional and technical services: 8,476,000
Construction: 6,109,000
Finance and insurance: 5,948,000
Wholesale trade: 5,893,000
Other services: 5,541,000
Transportation and warehousing: 4,685,000
Educational services: 3,427,000
Information: 2,691,000
Management of companies and enterprises: 2,148
Arts, entertainment and recreation: 2,128,000
Real estate, rental and leasing: 2,065,000
Mining and logging: 926,000
Utilities: 556,000
Waste management and remediation services: 382,000
Total: 140,045,000


Top 10 corporations by revenue 2014

1. Walmart: $473 billion
2. Exxon Mobile: $394 billion
3. Chevron: $220 billion
4. Berkshire Hathaway: $194 billion
5. Apple: $183 billion
6. Phillips 66: $161 billion
7. General Motors: $156 billion
8. General Electric: $148 billion
9. Ford Motor: $144 billion
10. Valero Energy: $131 billion


Household wealth: $83.7 trillion in 2014
Household wealth per adult: $347,845 in 2013
Gini coefficient: .411 in 2010

Assets of households and nonprofit organizations Q3 2014

Real estate: $23.1 trillion
Pension entitlements: $20.5 trillion
Corporation equities: $12.9 trillion
Deposits: $10.1 trillion
Equity in non-corporate business: $9.1 trillion
Mutual fund shares: $7.6 trillion
Consumer durable goods: $5.1 trillion
Credit market instruments: $3.3 trillion
Miscellaneous assets: $2.3 trillion
Life insurance reserves: $1.3 trillion
Total: $95.4 trillion

Liabilities of households and nonprofit organization Q3 2014

Home mortgages: $9.4 trillion
Consumer credit: $3.2 trillion
Other debt: $1.4 trillion
Total: $14.0 trillion


Federal government

Revenue: $2.7 trillion in 2013
Expenditure: $3.4 trillion in 2013
Balance: -$679 billion in 2013
Debt: $18.1 trillion in 2013
10 year borrowing rate: 2.17% in 2013

State and local

Revenue: $3.0 trillion in 2012
Expenditure: $3.1 trillion in 2012
Balance: -$118 billion in 2012
Debt: $2.9 trillion in 2012

Public funds

Social Security Trust Fund: $2.8 trillion in Dec 2013
State and local funds: $5.3 trillion in 2012

Federal tax structure

Personal income tax rates and thresholds 2013:
10%: $0-$8,925
15%: $8,925-$36,250
25%: $36,250-$87,850
28%: $87,850-$183,250
33%: $183,250-$398,350
35%: $398,350-$400,000
39.6%: $400,000+

Corporate tax rate: 39.1% in 2014

Federal government revenue by source 2013

Individual income taxes: $1.3 trillion
Social insurance and retirement receipts: $947 billion
Corporate income taxes: $274 billion
Other receipts: $153 billion
Excise taxes: $84 billion
Total: $2.7 trillion

Federal government expenditure by source 2013

Health and Human Services: $886 billion
Social Security Administration: $867 billion
Defense: $608 billion
Treasury: $399 billion
Agriculture: $156 billion
Veterans Affairs: $138 billion
Personal Management: $83 billion
Labor: $80 billion
Transportation: $76 billion
Homeland Security: $57 billion
Defense Civil Programs: $57 billion
Housing and Urban Development: $57 billion
Education: $41 billion
Justice: $30 billion
Independent Agencies: $26 billion
State: $26 billion
Energy: $25 billion
International Assistance Programs: $20 billion
NASA: $17 billion
Interior: $10 billion
Environmental Protection Agencies: $10 billion
Commerce: $9 billion
National Science Foundation: $7 billion
Judicial Branch: $7 billion
Corps of Engineers: $6 billion
Legislative Branch: $4 billion
Small Business Administration: $0.5 billion
Executive Office of the President: $0.4 billion
Undistributed offsetting receipts: -$249 billion
Total: $3.4 trillion

Monetary policy

Monetary base (M0): $4.0 trillion in Dec 2014
Benchmark interest rate: 0.25% in Dec 2014
Reserves: $448 billion
Inflation: 1.5% in 2013


Top 10 banks by assets Sep 2014

1. JPMorgan Chase: $2.5 trillion
2. Bank of America: $2.1 trillion
3. Citigroup: $1.8 trillion
4. Wells Fargo: $1.6 trillion
5. Goldman Sachs: $870 billion
6. Morgan Stanley: $815 billion
7. General Electric Capital $514 billion
8. U.S. Bank: $391 billion
9. Bank of New York Mellon: $386 billion
10. PNC Financial Services: $335 billion

International accounts

Exports: $2.3. trillion in 2013
Imports: $2.7 trillion in 2013
Trade balance: -$470 billion in 2013
Foreign direct investment inflow: $236 billion in 2013
Foreign direct investment outflow: $350 billion in 2013
Foreign aid inflow: N/A
Foreign aid outflow: $31 billion in 2013

Population: World Bank Indicators
GDP: World Bank Indicators
GDP per capita: World Bank Indicators
GDP per capita PPP: World Bank Indicators
GDP growth rate: The Guardian, U.S. Economy slows in fourth quarter
GDP by industry: Bureau of Economic Analysis
Unemployment Rate: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Employment by industry: U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics
Corporate data: annual reports
Household wealth: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook
Gini coefficient: World Bank Indicators
Household balance sheet: Federal Reserve
Government budget: U.S. Government Publishing Office
Public debt: Treasury Direct
Government bond yield: Bloomberg
Local government data: 2012 Census of Governments
Social Security trust fund data: Social Security Administration
Individual tax rates: OECD Stat Extracts
Corporate tax rates: Tax Foundation
Monetary base: Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
Benchmark interest rate: Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Total reserves: World Bank Indicators
Inflation rate: Reuters
Financial institutions by assets: National Information Center
GECC data: General Electric Capital Corporation 2013 8-K
Trade data: U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis
FDI data: OECD FDI in Figures
Aid outflow: OECD Aid Statistics

Potential outline of quantum mechanics

This post is an attempted outline of quantum mechanics. My goal is to learn about each of these topics and organize the important principles into a clear structure. There are 45 topics organized into 4 sections.

1. Theory

1.1. Quanta
1.2 Planck constant
1.3 Atomic orbitals
1.4 Bohr model
1.5 Wave-particle duality
1.6 Quantum spin
1.7 Pauli exclusion principle
1.8 Matrix mechanics
1.9 Schrodinger equation
1.10 Born rule
1.11 Uncertainty principle
1.12 Quantum field theory
1.13 Quantum electrodynamics
1.14 Quantum tunneling
1.15 Dirac equation
1.16 Antimatter
1.17 Quantum entanglement
1.18 Feynman diagrams
1.19 Virtual particles
1.20 Path integral formulation
1.21 Quantum foam
1.22 Quantum chromodynamics

2. Interpretations

2.1 Copenhagen interpretation
2.2 Pilot wave theory
2.3 Many world interpretation
2.4 Spontaneous Collapse
2.5 Quantum bayesianism
2.6 Objective collapse
2.7 Relational quantum mechanics
2.8 Consistent histories
2.9 Many minds interpretation
2.10 Von Neumann-Wigner interpretation
2.11 Stochastic quantum mechanics
2.12 Time-symmetry
2.13 Ensemble interpretation
2.14 Quantum logic
2.15 Transactional interpretation
2.16 Modal interpretation

3. Experiments

3.1 Double slit experiment
3.2 Delayed choice quantum eraser
3.3 Bell's theorem
3.4 Afshar experiment

4. Applications

4.1 Quantum computing
4.2 Semiconductors
4.3 Superconductivity

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

List of favorite video games

This post is a list of my favorite video games. There are 84 video games listed below alphabetically.

Monday, August 19, 2019

List of PBS Space Time physics videos

This post is a list of physics videos on PBS Space Time's YouTube channel. The sections are based on a physics outline I created in an earlier post which can be found at this link. A further explanation of this post can be found at this link.

Click here to view PBS Space Time's channel

This post was last updated August 19th, 2019. There are 191 videos listed below organized into 20 sections:

1. Cosmology (30)
2. Astronomy (53)
3. Particles (11)
4. Elements (0)
5. Molecules (0)
6. Chemical reactions (0)
7. Thermodynamics (6)
8. Classical mechanics (4)
9. Fluid dynamics (2)
10. Special relativity (7)
11. Gravity (31)
12. Optics (5)
13. Sound (2)
14. Electromagnetism (1)
15. Quantum mechanics (23)
16. Strong force (2)
17. Weak force (0)
18. String theory (4)
19. Dark matter (4)
20. Dark energy (6)

1. Cosmology (30)

Why the Big Bang definitely happened (12:35)
What's wrong with the Big Bang theory (12:58)
What happened before the Big Bang? (13:50)
What caused the Big Bang? (13:28)
Did time start at the Big Bang? (13:34)
How cosmic inflation flattened the universe (13:41)
Cosmic microwave background explained (7:10)
Secrets of the cosmic microwave background (17:11)
Cosmic microwave background challenge (5:01)
The cosmic dark ages (15:21)
Scientists have detected the first stars (9:28)
The fate of the first stars (13:28)
The quasar from the beginning of time (8:33)
Are the fundamental constants changing? (14:52)
The crisis in cosmology (18:05)
How do you measure the size of the universe? (6:37)
Deciphering the vast scale of the universe (10:12)
The edge of an infinite universe (18:30)
What happens at the edge of the universe? (9:37)
Will the universe expand forever? (13:11)
How will the universe end? (17:53)
The star at the end of time (11:04)
Could the universe end by tearing apart every atom? (15:49)
White holes (13:27)
Supervoids vs colliding universes (14:00)
Computing a universe simulation (15:09)
Are we living in an ancestor simulation? (16:28)
How much information is in the universe (16:12)
The holographic universe explained (18:24)
Noether's theorem and the symmetries of reality (13:02)

2. Astronomy (53)

We are star stuff (13:38)
The eye of Sauron reveals a forming solar system (10:47)
Why is the Earth round and the Milky Way flat? (14:17)
The Andromeda-Milky Way collision (12:02)
Dark flow (12:28)
Why quasars are so awesome (11:54)
When quasars collide STJC (13:39)
Strange stars (13:46)
The treasures of Trappist-1 (12:03)
The alchemy of neutron star collisions (15:41)
Pulsar starquakes make fast radio bursts? (9:10)
The real star wars (18:06)
Extraterrestrial superstorms (14:09)
The Great American Eclipse (11:58)
Is it irrational to believe in aliens? (7:52)
How to signal aliens (11:17)
Why haven't we found alien life? (12:11)
Life on Europa? (13:09)
Is there life on Mars? (13:42)
Will we ever find alien life? (17:37)
Oumuamua is not aliens (17:32)
Did life on Earth come from space? (18:34)
Are we alone? (6:22)
Have they seen us? (17:57)
First detection of life (11:41)
Martian evolution (14:59)
The race to a habitable exoplanet (5:33)
Habitable exoplanets debunked! (10:47)
Planet X discovered? (8:37)
Self-replicating robots and galactic domination (12:54)
Suicide space robots (16:48)
Will you travel to space? (16:23)
Should we colonize Venus instead of Mars? (7:37)
5 real possibilities for interstellar travel (13:03)
Is the Alcubierre warp drive possible? (10:02)
First humans on Mars (11:25)
Will Mars or Venus kill you first? (10:57)
Will starshot's interstellar journey succeed? (12:17)
How asteroid mining will save Earth (11:58)
Should space be privatized? (12:40)
How close to the Sun can humanity get? (14:15)
The end of the habitable zone (14:15)
Should we build a Dyson sphere? (14:30)
What will destroy planet Earth? (8:08)
Can you save Earth from a Killer Asteroid? (3:02)
5 ways to stop a killer asteroid (11:13)
Can we survive the destruction of the Earth? (13:27)
Is an ice age coming? (15:28)
Extinction by gamma-ray burst (13:09)
Kronos: Devourer of worlds (9:47)
The death of the sun (12:01)

3. Particles (11)

The origin of matter and time (12:32)
The true nature of matter and mass (10:48)
Quantum invariance and the origin of the standard model (13:04)
The Higgs mechanism explained (9:32)
The oh my god particle (12:18)
Will a new neutrino change the standard model? (13:04)
New fundamental particle discovered? (13:44)
Is there a fifth fundamental force? (8:22)
Time crystals (12:42)
Supersymmetric particle found? (16:26)
The one-electron universe (12:50)

4. Elements (0)

5. Molecules (0)

6. Chemical reactions (0)

7. Thermodynamics (7)

What is energy? (14:19)
Absolute cold (10:41)
The misunderstood nature of entropy (12:20)
The physics of life (13:41)
Reversing entropy with Maxwell's demon (14:01)
Are you a Boltzmann brain? (11:44)

8. Classical mechanics (4)

The impossibility of perpetual motion machines (16:31)
Perpetual motion from negative mass? (15:14)
The trebuchet challenge (8:48)
Which particle wins this race? (6:02)

9. Fluid dynamics (2)

What happens to a helium balloon in freefall? (1:46)
Can a Starfox barrel roll work in space? (9:51)

10. Special relativity (7)

100 years of relativity (8:05)
The real meaning of E=MC^2 (10:23)
The speed of light is not about light (12:46)
The photon clock challenge (2:17)
Superluminal time travel and time warp challenge (11:48)
The geometry of causality (16:07)
The Unruh effect (11:14)

11. Gravity (31)

General relativity and curved spacetime explained (8:53)
Are space and time an illusion? (8:55)
What's the most realistic artificial gravity in sci-fi? (11:22)
Is gravity an illusion? (12:33)
Can you trust your eyes in spacetime? (9:19)
What physics teachers get wrong about tides (15:21)
How to build a black hole (13:22)
The phantom singularity (18:05)
When time breaks down (9:31)
How time becomes space inside a black hole (15:29)
Do events inside black holes happen? (14:25)
What survives inside a black hole? (14:08)
What happens at the event horizon? (19:59)
Horizon radiation (14:56)
The black hole entropy enigma (12:25)
How black holes kill galaxies (14:33)
Hawking radiation (12:06)
The black hole information paradox (15:30)
Escape the Kugelblitz challenge (8:09)
How to see black holes and Kugelblitz answers (11:18)
The real science of the EHT black hole (12:07)
Black holes from the dawn of time (13:43)
Black hole swarms (11:32)
Is the moon in Majora's Mask a black hole? (9:41)
Have gravitational waves been discovered?!? (11:27)
LIGO's first detection of gravitational waves (9:32)
The strange universe of gravitational lensing (13:32)
The future of gravitational waves (8:20)
Neutron stars collide in new LIGO signal? (15:51)
Using stars to see gravitational waves (12:47)
Quantum gravity and the hardest problem in physics (16:41)

12. Optics (5)

Telescopes of tomorrow (13:01)
Telescopes on the Moon (13:35)
The future of space telescopes (13:40)
Exploring a huge radio telescope in VR 180 (5:31)
How Gaia changed astronomy forever (10:45)

13. Sound (2)

What do stars sound like? (13:50)
Sound waves from the beginning of time (17:32)

14. Electromagnetism (1)

The EM drive: fact or fiction (14:43)

15. Quantum mechanics (23)

The quantum experiment that broke reality (13:32)
How the quantum eraser rewrites the past (14:40)
Quantum eraser lottery challenge (5:53)
Planck's constant and the origin of quantum mechanics (15:16)
Understanding the uncertainty principles with quantum Fourier series (14:49)
Quantum entanglement and the great Bohr-Einstein debate (14:03)
The many worlds of the quantum multiverse (12:53)
Pilot wave theory and quantum realism (16:32)
Anti-matter and quantum relativity (16:12)
Quantum physics in a mirror universe (17:11)
Our antimatter, mirrored, time-reversed universe (18:27)
Is quantum tunneling faster than light? (11:07)
The first quantum field theory (15:22)
Solving the impossible in quantum field theory (15:21)
The secrets of Feynman diagrams (14:25)
Feynman's infinite quantum paths (15:49)
Are virtual particles a new layer of reality? (17:14)
The nature of nothing (16:07)
The vacuum catastrophe (11:35)
Quantum vortices and superconductivity (9:03)
Why quantum information is never destroyed (13:43)
Why quantum computing requires quantum cryptography (17:15)
The quantum internet (15:20)

16. Strong force (2)

Nuclear physics challenge (4:21)
Thorium and the future of nuclear energy (18:42)

17. Weak force (0)

18. String theory (4)

What are the strings in string theory? (16:38)
Why string theory is right (16:48)
Why string theory is wrong (18:39)
How to detect extra dimensions (15:48)

19. Dark matter (4)

Does dark matter break physics? (10:42)
The missing mass mystery (13:22)
Are dark matter and dark energy the same? (13:54)
No dark matter = proof of dark matter? (14:38)

20. Dark energy (6)

Why the universe needs dark energy (12:41)
What does dark energy really do? (12:39)
Anti-gravity and the true nature of dark energy (14:48)
Did dark energy just disappear? (15:50)
Is dark energy getting stronger? (18:22)
The cosmic conspiracy of dark energy challenge (7:02)

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Explanation of physics video lists

Starting in July 2019, I began making posts where I would organize physics videos from a single YouTube channel into 20 physics sections. The sections are based on a physics outline I created in an earlier post which can be found at this link. Below is a list of the posts I've created using this format.

One of my goals is to build an outline of the principles of physics. I believe that making these video lists has helped me progress towards this goal. It has been useful to analyze these channels and organize the videos according to the 20 sections in the outline.

License: CC BY-SA 4.0

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

List of Veritasium physics videos

This post is a list of physics videos on Veritasium's YouTube channel. The sections are based on a physics outline I created in an earlier post which can be found at this link. A further explanation of this post can be found at this link.

Click here to view Vertiasium's channel

This post was last updated August 13th, 2019. There are 159 videos listed below organized into 20 sections:

1. Cosmology (3)
2. Astronomy (12)
3. Particles (14)
4. Elements (3)
5. Molecules (7)
6. Chemical reactions (3)
7. Thermodynamics (20)
8. Classical mechanics (21)
9. Fluid dynamics (14)
10. Special relativity (4)
11. Gravity (25)
12. Optics (7)
13. Sound (3)
14. Electromagnetism (8)
15. Quantum mechanics (7)
16. Strong force (0)
17. Weak force (9)
18. String theory (0)
19. Dark matter (0)
20. Dark energy (0)

1. Cosmology

How the quantum vacuum gave rise to galaxies (5:31)
Misconceptions about the universe (5:46)
Nobel Prize winner Brian Schmidt - Physics 2011 (7:13)

2. Astronomy

How old is the Earth? (2:47)
Where did the Earth come from? (3:57)
How far away is the moon? (1:50)
What causes the phases of the moon? (4:33)
Water on the moon? (6:04)
Total solar eclipse (5:21)
13 misconceptions about global warming (6:50)
Climate change is boring (4:56)
An astronaut's view of Earth (4:00)
First flight on another planet (16:01)
Why Apollo Astronauts trained at a nuclear test site (13:08)
Do aliens exist? (6:36)

3. Particles

Atomic theory (2:33)
Atomic rant (2:58)
What are atoms and isotopes (2:58)
Thomson's Plum Pudding model of the atom (2:17)
Cathode rays lead to Thomson's model of the atom (3:13)
Free Higgs! (3:20)
What now for the Higgs boson? (8:00)
Your mass is not from the Higgs boson (6:50)
Where do trees get their mass? (4:10)
World's heaviest weight (5:45)
This particle breaks time symmetry (8:59)
Empty space is not empty (4:46)
Can we really touch anything? (8:25)
The best and worst prediction in science (8:43)

4. Elements

Making solid nitrogen (4:43)
Spinning sphere of molten sodium (8:27)
Uranium: twisting the dragon's tail (3:31)

5. Molecules

What is water made of? (1:07)
Snatoms! The magnetic molecular modeling kit (3:25)
How to make graphene (3:41)
Your body's molecular machines (6:21)
Indestructible coating?! (7:09)
World's lightest solid (12:02)
I waterproofed myself with Aerogel (12:22)

6. Chemical reactions

What is chemistry? (1:32)
Corn flour fireball (3:05)
Welding in space (6:53)

7. Thermodynamics

States of matter (4:53)
Misconceptions about temperature (3:59)
Misconceptions about heat (5:11)
What the Fahrenheit? (5:24)
Celsius didn't invent Celsius (8:12)
Why is ice slippery (2:54)
Ice spikes explained (4:01)
Ice cutting experiment I (1:18)
Ice cutting experiment II (2:52)
Does pressure melt ice? (1:38)
Fire syringe (3:19)
Fire in zero-g (7:48)
Sandwich bag fire starter (5:36)
What's in a candle flame? (2:41)
Make plasma with grapes in the microwave (5:31)
How microwaving grapes makes plasma (8:16)
Is glass a liquid? (7:02)
Supercooled water explained (3:36)
Why are 96,000,000 black balls on this reservoir? (12:07)

8. Classical mechanics

What is a force? (3:40)
What forces are acting on you? (2:25)
Three incorrect laws of motion (2:29)
Best film on Newton's third law (4:38)
Egg experiment to demonstrate inertia (1:10)
Bullet block experiment (1:51)
Bullet block explained (9:51)
How to launch a nuclear missile (7:42)
Why does the Earth spin? (2:52)
How does the Earth spin? (4:42)
Gyroscopic precession (3:49)
Anti-gravity wheel? (5:42)
Anti-gravity wheel explained (4:03)
Spinning tube trick (3:20)
Spinning tube trick explained (3:40)
Spinning disk trick (1:51)
Spinning disk solution (4:16)
Spool trick (1:18)
Stringless yo-yo! (4:52)
What's the best high jump technique? (4:42)
Galileo the scientific parrot (2:36)

9. Fluid dynamics

How does a wing actually work? (2:51)
How does a sailboat actually work? (4:37)
How does a boomerang work? (2:53)
The science of curveballs (4:07)
Hydrodynamic levitation (6:09)
What is the Magnus force? (3:47)
Backspin basketball flies off dam (3:01)
Imploding drum (5:01)
Epic slow-mo drum implosions! (6:53)
These liquids look alive (5:16)
Does water swirl the other way in the southern hemisphere? (5:59)
Seeing the invisible: slow motion Schlieren Imaging (6:32)
Schlieren imaging in color (8:59)
Slow-mo non-Newtonian fluid on a speaker (6:34)

10. Special relativity

Can you go the speed of light? (4:13)
Will this go faster than light? (6:40)
Can you perceive acceleration? (3:34)
How special relativity makes magnets work (4:19)

11. Gravity

What is gravity? (2:08)
The difference between mass and weight (3:15)
Why does the moon orbit Earth? (1:35)
Calculating gravitational attraction (3:31)
Which hits the ground first? (3:03)
Misconceptions about falling objects I (3:22)
Misconceptions about falling objects II (3:00)
The best test of general relativity (11:52)
Is there gravity in space? (2:22)
Why are astronauts weightless? (3:41)
Spinning black holes (10:14)
How to understand the black hole image (9:19)
First image of a black hole! (12:07)
Gravitational wave discovery! Evidence of cosmic inflation (10:42)
The absurdity of detecting gravitational waves (9:07)
New gravitational wave discovery! (5:02)
Neutron star merger gravitational waves and gamma rays (5:26)

Slinky drop (0:57)
Slink drop answer (3:31)
How does a slinky fall? (3:51)
Supersized slow-mo slinky drop (3:02)
Does a falling slinky defy gravity? (5:46)
Beaker ball balance problem (2:01)
Explained: Beaker ball balance problem (2:28)
Chain drop experiment (0:38)
Chain drop experiment answer (2:42)

12. Optics

How to make colour with holes (5:38)
The brightest part of a shadow is in the middle (7:20)
Can you solve this shadow illusion? (3:32)
What can frogs see that we can't? (3:05)
Why the sky isn't blue (7:53)
The world in UV (11:13)
Persistence of vision (2:49)

13. Sound

Can you recover sound from images? (11:23)
Sound + Fire = Rubens' Tube (4:03)

14. Electromagnetism

World's first electric generator (3:49)
Levitating barbecue! Electromagnetic induction (3:46)
Electromagnetic levitation quadcopter (6:19)
How does a transistor work? (6:00)
Sparks from falling water: Kelvin's thunderstorm (3:40)
Can humans sense magnetic fields? (13:53)
What causes the northern lights? (4:56)
Northern lights from 100,000 ft (4:47)

15. Quantum mechanics

The original double slit experiment (7:40)
Single photon interference (6:00)
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle explained (4:12)
Is this what quantum mechanics looks like? (7:41)
Quantum entanglement & spooky action at a distance (9:16)
How does a quantum computer work? (6:47)
How to make a quantum bit (7:51)

16. Strong force

17. Weak force

Types of radiation (2:55)
Where does the sun get its energy? (6:01)
How damaging is radiation? (3:59)
Radiation vs radioactive atoms (3:01)
Why Einstein thought nuclear weapons impossible (7:38)
What could survive an atomic bomb? (2:07)
The most radioactive places on Earth (11:18)
Chernobyl - What it's like today (8:15)
Visiting Chernobyl made me think strange thoughts (7:39)

18. String theory

19. Dark matter

20. Dark energy

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Collection of Alex Peek paintings: 2011-2020

This post is a collection of paintings I made between 2011 and 2020. There are 98 paintings listed below chronologically.

2011: 4 paintings
2012: 1 painting
2013: 1 painting
2014: 26 paintings
2015-2017: 3 paintings
2019: 1 painting
2020: 62 paintings

2011: 4 paintings

2012: 1 painting

2013: 1 painting

2014: 26 paintings

2015-2017: 3 paintings

2019: 1 painting

2020: 62 paintings